“Central Station” (Brazil)
I learned from the movie that people in Brazil do anything to make money such as Dora because she knows how to writes and she writes messages for money. If somebody in Brazil knows education it is a very good thing for him/herself. He/she can make money from writing or reading such as writing messages or reading messages for other people for money. I also learned from the movie that whoever steals something and gets caught they will get killed.

Dora and Josue’s relationship compare to my relationship of family is that I love my family and we love each other. We never do bad thing to each other or leave each other. We stick together as a family and help each other out through our lifetime. During our lifetime it is the time for us to love each other because after someone passes away then there are no points of love anymore. I think the importance of family is love each other, and don’t leave each other. Love is what the family should have for everyone in the family. For example: if I hate someone in the family, I should never hate them for life.
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